

We noticed it when we crossed the border into Texas. There was a vibe of ego bouncing off the big Ford (or whatever) trucks passing us on the highway. I'm sure we saw a sign bragging about the size of Texas. Even Wikipedia states: "The physical size of the state and the bigger-than-life attitude of some of its inhabitants has led to the saying that 'Everything is bigger in Texas.'" Some of the trucks passing us.... No, hold on. I'm going to call them pick-ups. Where did that term go, anyway?! I'm assuming that term just wasn't tough enough. Back to what I was saying.... Some of the pick-ups passing us had a Texas flag sticker with the word "SECEDE" on it. Okay, I know. Maybe it's half joke. But the other half of it is not.

Yesterday afternoon we drove out of San Angelo city limits for the first time since we got here. Our church was having a picnic at Spring Creek. (The pastor and his dad owned a few acres around the crick.) The scenery on the 15-mile drive west was pretty in its own way with little buttes sticking out of the ground in the middle of nowhere. Most of the ground was "timber" if you want to call it that. Mostly small mesquite trees, cactus, and lots of brush from dead trees. Every now and then you'd see cows grazing on orange dirt, probably. No, I'm not sure what they ate, because there wasn't much grass. What seemed amazing to us were the fields and the fact that farmers try to farm it. We saw fields of shriveled up cotton and milo. The milo was mature at two feet tall. Jared said, "I'm not sure why they say that everything is bigger in Texas, because it's not. Milo would be six feet tall in Kansas."

Yes, we are biased, but we cannot come up with any reason for why Texas is any better than Kansas. No, we probably wouldn't drive around with a Kansas flag sticker boasting "SECEDE" on our little Mazda pick-up that has a dented bed and a drooping bumper. But we're thinking that Kansas is about the best place to be. ;) So to anyone who thinks that everything is bigger in Texas, I say, "Oh, hogwash."


  1. Certainly hope Gary reads this portion of your blog. Texas is a joke. Thanks for the information.

  2. Yeah, I wondered if he might.
