

Today is... french toast, laundry, and wiping noses. Isaac had a fever yesterday and through the night. His sinuses are mildly crazy, but he can still say his Ns. And he was still singing Fee-Fi-Fiddle-E-I-O, Fee-Fi-Fiddle-E-I-O-O-O-O, riding his trike to the laundry room. We've all taken our turns with being sick since we've been here, except me. Jared is just now getting over his month-long cough. Carly's cough doesn't sound quite so bad anymore, but she's sniffing something up her nose right now. A part of us is hoping it's H1N1 so we get it over and done with.

Yesterday, Jared stopped by a barber shop in a Mexican neighborhood on the way home from class. A co-worker back home had recommended this place. He needed a haircut, so he gave it a shot. Jared sat and waited his turn, looking around, feeling like there was something strange about the place, or at least something strange about the guy getting his haircut ahead of him. The man and the barber noticed a police car driving by. Jared found it equally strange that they were interested in this. He began to conclude that these people must be into drugs, and he thought his conclusion was verified when the man opened his wallet to pay. The man and the barber started talking in Spanish instead of English like they'd been doing all along. Jared tried not to stare, but he noticed the man giving the barber extra cash. Thinking this was surely a drug deal, he got his haircut anyway. When he pulled his wallet out to pay the barber, the barber told him that his haircut had already been paid for. A drug deal? Nope. Just a guy doing an act of kindness.

Carly has been taking her big-girl-ness a little bit more seriously lately. She's been helping Isaac dress in the mornings, and she willingly helps me wipe the dishes at night. Carly also bosses Isaac around and consistently gets mad when he states that he's bigger than everyone else in the house. "NO! God is bigger! And you're bragging. And it's not nice to brag!"

Isaac has made an executive decision that no one else can toot in his room except HIM! Especially not Daddy. We think this is quite unfair, as he frequently toots in our room. His decision still stands. We've been trying to work on Carly and Isaac's "L" sound. So the other day in the pool, you could hear us practicing saying "LLLLLISA," but the only sound you could hear was "YYYYISA!" The L sound is just not there yet, but the soft th- sound is. Finally, it's three, not sree. Next sound up is "R." Now, how to do that...?!?


  1. It won't be near so cute (but just as heart-rending) when he cries "I want to go to LLLLLLLLisa's" instead of "I want to go to YYYYYYYYisa's!" Maybe he'll be big enough to help with Valentine's cookies this time and he won't have to stay home!!!

  2. It looks like Carly is learning to be a typical woman. I must get ahold of Isaac real soon to help him combat the bossiness of women. He will become henpecked real soon if he doesn't get some tutoring.
